Dusting off this ancient blog to upload my most recent monster creation and show proof of life in 2025. I'm still here and I'm still living brother! I came up with this abomination a few years back when I was working with some absolute titans of talent on the Love, Death and Robots short: Kill Team Kill. My mission was to illustrate what would happen if the creature from John Carpenter's The Thing visited earth in prehistoric times.

Kicking off this first day of Dinovember with a fresh (read: totally rotten) zombie dinosaur. Experimenting with some techniques in painting digitally. I'll continue to play around with this as I'm still figuring it out. And here's my original pencils I'm working off.

Here is a rough sketch for a piece I've been envisioning for a while. I've always wanted to do a raptor/dromaeosaur pack engaged in hunting behavior but never got around to it, until now. I also wanted to depict a different prey item than the standard issue Tenontosaurus that graced the pages of almost every book I had growing up as a child. Working on transferring this to better paper and fixing some of the issues that I'm not thrilled with.

Say... these pencils and paper that are just sitting around still work! May as well sketch out an Allosaurus fragilis for fun. Does anyone use blogger anymore or am I a... wait for it.... dinosaur. I'll see myself out.

And with this drawing I achieve 31 days, a full month of dinosaur drawings. It was tough, but I feel like I've gotten back to enjoying drawing again and want to get back to my signature style. So for the next month I am going to try to get one drawing done every week but have it more fleshed out and detailed. So to signify the end of this era of quick sketches every day, zombie Baryonyx summons the meteors to see him off this mortal coil.

Whew, it has been getting tough to maintain a life and do a drawing a day. After work, a swim/sauna,and cooking dinner I'm left with one hour of free time if I'm to get enough sleep to start up tomorrow. So tonight's drawing is quick and dirty. Gastonia, probably one of the coolest of the ankylosaurs. Rough as hell and digital. I will probably revisit this one to clean it up and get it to a nicer place. Just not tonight...

Another theropod today and its a quick and rough sketch. But nasal horns on theropods are too cool, so I had to knock this out real quick for the day.

Loosely based on a skeletal reconstruction of Alioramus that I saw in the Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs. Really unique theropod with awesome nasal horns. Like a hyped up ceratosaurus. Maybe I'll do ceratosaurus next...

So I threw away my dinosaur reference for the night and just did something weird that probably never existed in real life. Some generic looking theropod who is very upset about something.

I still find sauropods kinda boring. But at any rate, here's a juvenile camarasaurus raising up on its hind legs to reach some food high up.
About Me
About Me
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I am currently working in the animation industry at Titmouse Inc. in Hollywood. I'm trying to make monsters all the time as well as resurrecting dinosaurs through art. Come on, mosquito blood preserved in amber? That would never work.
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